20 June 2007


One for the holiday anticipation build up.

16 June 2007

Nations Dropping Bombs

Nations Dropping Bombs

GraffPorn - a new art pt2

BOOMx GraffPorn
Thought I would expand my GraffPorn work today with this quick throw together of some guys getting it on. Any questions about my work feel free to leave a comment.


The closet thing I can find to GraffPorn is this publication and online showcase of contemporary illustrators and designers: Grafuck.

"Grafuck is an annual publication featuring the latest erotic work from a diverse group of established and emerging international artists, illustration, photography, fine art and graphic design some together in this humourous, poignant, charming and provocative selection of images and ideas."

Shown here is a photomontage sculpture by Zip.

15 June 2007

GraffPorn - a new art is born

BOOMx GraffPorn
I was messing around today and formulated an entirely new form of contemporary art - GraffPorn. It's a mix of pornographic imagery and graffiti aesthetic... stick with me...

If anyone knows of other artists working in this arena please let me know. BOOMx

Ryan McGinley

Ryan McGinley photographs are beautiful and brilliant. Take a look.

the other 9

Click the images for larger view.

Won't you tell me how to get...

How to get to Sesame Street...

Celebrity Mugshots

I went a bit Photoshop crazy on a photo of David Beckham. He's been busted up on the streets of LA, after hanging with too many gangsters on his soon to be new home turf. Looks like he's hit the scag too... and he's got a dribble of cum on his shirt - dirty boy. Oh well, it happens to us all.

BBoy Machine

Phhht, I do better moves getting out of bed in the morning... ok so I'm lying. Crazy fast feet - this is BBoy Machine.

14 June 2007

old work

An old piece of digital drawing from a few years ago. There are 10 of them and I will soon post the others for your visual pleasure.


a hot sweaty Edison Chen in low hanging pants hmmmmmmm...

the guy's music sucks, he's a total stoner and has too much money. I admire him from afar, but he'd do my head in if I ever met the guy. That's why we fantasise - dreams are often better than reality.

talking about dreams, I had a very odd one this morning during snooze time. I was getting sexy with a girl - a big girl - and after some interaction she was pushing this long thin dildo in and out of her butthole... she turned to me and said "you don't find me attractive because I don't have balls"... She was right I guess. More of a nightmare than a dream, probably why I remembered it so well. If it was a sexy dream about my current lusty obsession / fantasy boy it would have faded happily back into the recesses of my happy mind.

my new favourite blog

Tiggah is great, Tigguhh is naughty. I like naughty and I like Tiggah.

Check his blog out today and perhaps Tigguhh will make a new appearance...!